Pediatric Dentistry
Baby teeth are also known as milk teeth or deciduous teeth. The common misconception amongst most parents is that baby teeth do not need to be treated because they are going to fall off anyways! But they cannot be more wrong!
Baby teeth are extremely important! They help your child eat, chew, smile and speak. More importantly, they need to be in the mouth till their successors (the permanent erupt) because they hold the place for the permanent teeth. Early loss of deciduous teeth due to decay can lead to no space for permanent teeth and subsequent crowding and overlapped teeth. Their early loss also retards jaw growth and brings about faulty jaw positioning. Decayed and rotten baby teeth can cause infection and damage to the underlying permanent tooth buds. Not caring for those milk teeth today can lead to a world of problems for your kids as they grow up!
Dr Janhavi Naik is the Panel dentist of the famous ´baby & mom´ website and She counsels that the first dental appointment for the child should be at 1 yrs age. This is the time to counsel the parents to take care of the baby’s erupting teeth. Yearly check-ups for your children are mandatory! They help in keeping cavities in check; and also help in early diagnosis and treatment of bad habits like thumb sucking or jaw growth defects.
Dr Janhavi Naik is well known as a caring and compassionate dentist- your kids’ best friend. Kids feel at home at Crowns & Roots dental clinic. The gifts and stickers they get make them look forward for their next appointment! For kids lesser than 6 yrs age, our Pedodontist who specializes in child behaviour management is a great asset and the safest pair of hands!
Remember; do not neglect your kid’s oral health. Kids do not complain till it hurts a lot; and that is usually too late! Get your kids to Crowns & Roots for regular dental check-ups every 6 months; and let us worry about their dental wellness!